Tuesday, January 27, 2009

a poem- dedicated to nirvaan

oh nirvaan ! truly dearly you ,
how should i tell you,
how much i love you,
i am your uncle,
you’re my nephew,
thats not all i have to tell you,
i can see in you,
astonishing wisdom and noble cue,

so i like to earnestly convey you,
in this world of disguise beauty,
nirvaan be the crown of integrity,
cherish the values of buddha,
knowledge, character and generosity,
and accomplish the ambedkar glory,
your parents nita and vivek,
working hard for your sake,

for you the platform is set,
to lead the rest,
born in wealthy country of opportunity,
don’t ever forget humility,
towards suffering dalit society,
strive for their prosperity,
your grand parents abhayanand and jhanaprabha,
devoted most of life to ambedkarite,

be the reason for their pride,
by never giving up the quest,
that born american by birth,
you are equally devoted,
to spread the ambedkar word,
to make india prabuddha,
oh nirvaan! truly dearly you,
buddha’s of past and future, bless you.
sadhu, sadhu, sadhu !


a poem- an educated dalit

educated dalit, working in office elite,
his journey from rags to riches,
hardly matters for high caste there,
safeguarded through religious care,
see the dalit with crucifying glare,
wonder how could a dalit dare,
to overcome his sordid tale,
of breaking away his caste jail,
for them its not his education,
but simply unearned reservation,
well, they prefer to stay ignorant,
rather than be observant and agree,
to their sly ancestors religious vagary,
of keeping majority of population,
religiously away from education,
widely making negative propagation,
low caste deserve condemnation,
now in era of globalization,
they provide legal justification,
by granting on paper certain reservation,
but see the anarchy of socialization,
majority of dalit population,
struggling for handful reservation,
while minority ruling population
gets the rest as gratification,
the educated dalit wonder,
there are many like him who thunder,
for the dalit rights to be consider,
and its time to learn from past blunder,
individuals fight and meek surrender,
unless someone like dr. ambedkar,
been true dalit caretaker,
gather the courage again,
to teach the dalits how to gain,
social rights lost in vain,
perceiving false political fame.


a poem- death cry be heard

let the death cry be heard,
of those dalit murdered,
and seek emancipation,
against the discrimination,
ask not for justice,
if that only leads to injustice,
for they don’t even try,
to address your cry,
life yours made deplorable,
resolve to make it admirable,
life is worth living,
a single day as king,
rather like decades corpse sting,
fight for the dalit plight,
till they reckon your might,
forgo your false notion,
those who supports discrimination,
are people who runs the nation,
were intellectuals brief daily,
about falling economy,
and neglect human ignominy,
suffered by million dalits daily,
no justice ever deserve,
cry of women raped reserve,
and her family killed to serve,
fanatic high caste nerve,
is there an end to this season,
of hate towards dalit for no reason,
if its caste that only matter,
the nation then will definitely shatter,
fools may sing unity in diversity,
wise will see signs of adversity,
nation heading toward calamity.


a poem- raise your voice

you are ambedkarite then raise your voice,
don’t give up your rights raise your voice,
that’s not your god who created,
your dalit destiny,
man is his own creator,
and master of his destiny,

do have a reality check
see your ardent buddhist mate
succeed far beyond the rest
whats dragging you behind,
is you and your own mind,
if one man can do it,
you too can do it,

don’t complain later,
come together follow dr. ambedkar,
arise, awake and gain buddhist sight,
to conquer the caste might,
to overcome your past atrocity,
see right into future possibility,
be educated, united and agitate,
nothing else could mitigate.